Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Touching Spirit Bear Reflection on Chapters 23 & 24

During these chapters SERIOUSNESS happened! He learned that to be invisible he had to clear his mind, which was why he seen the spirit bear so much during his soak, he also danced the dance of anger, which was really more the dance of fogiveness, he unfortunately spent Christmas alone, and -Here's where the serious part comes in- Peter Driscal Tries to commit suicide... TWICE!!!!! He also figured out a way to help Peter Driscal. He cleared his mind once in the pond and a beaver came near but he tried to grab it to it went away. He danced the dance of anger (In my opinion it was the dance of Forgiveness) but he didn't know what to carve in the empty space left to represent anger. He spent Chrismas alone, which many people do, and he felt self-pity for himself, he also had a small Christmas tree that he thought would be destoryed by the bigger tree. Peter Driscal Tried to commit suicide because I guess he thought his life was terrible and nobody cared if he died or not. Cole also said he knew a way to help Peter... Will Peter live? or will he die a horrible death? Find out in the next few chapters of Touching Spirit Bear.
Below is what I thought what Cole's Christmas tree might have looked like.
-Chris McDowell

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