Monday, November 29, 2010

Wordle info.

OK, here's what you will need for your project.
Step 1
You need to create a wordle by clicking here.
Step 2
Add in a bunch of text (Repeat the words to make it bigger and add a ~ instead of a space, it changes to a space).
Step 3
Show off your finished Wordle!
 Here is my Wordle:
Also if you're having problems with this you can use a harder version. (TUTORIAL BELOW)
Step 1 
Start by clicking on advanced.
Step 2 
Paste in your text. (This time to make it bigger DON'T repeat the word, to make it bigger you must do this : and then a #. Ex. Title:600 Base:200.You can use any number but for a title I suggest using 600.)
Step 3
Show off your ADVANCED Awesome Wordle!

Hope this helped!
If you have any more Questions, please feel free to comment and ask.
-Chris McDowell

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