Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Touching Spirit Bear Reflection on Chapters 1 & 2

During thing book some things that reflected on the Indian Ten Commandments were him stealing from the store which disobeyed commandments 6 and then he lied about not robbing it, which disobeyed commandments 6, 9 and 10. Also him beating up Peter Driscal, which disobeyed commandments 1, 3 and 6. He also tricked Garvey and Circle Justice into getting him out of the detention center and lied about really wanting to change which disobeyed commandments 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 ,8 and 9. In this book so far he also burnt his shelter and supplies, spit in Garvey’s face, was shown a bunch of ingredients which tasted bad individually but tasted good when made into a cake but then he got mad, moved his bed, punched the wall till his fists were bloody, then lied to Garvey and said he tripped and fell on his knuckles. He also said his life was terrible because his parents never wanted him around, dad got drunk and hit him, mom got drunk and didn’t care about anything, and he also wouldn’t tell Garvey something else that was the REAL reason. He also said if he’d seen a spirit bear he’d kill it. But Garvey replied “Whatever you do to the animals you do to yourself.”Cole also hated being touched, called “Champ”, and didn’t trust anyone.
Something That I think is a big part of Cole's problem is that his parents got divorced which often makes people very sad, angry, and to where they bottle everything up inside until they explode like what Cole’s doing. Cole also thinks he’s better than everyone else and that the whole world revolves around him which I think will maybe later cost him his life when meeting the spirit bear. Cole also hated his parents; the last thing he said to them was “I never want to see your ugly faces again.” I also think that Cole will try to kill or at least hurt the spirit bear but will then get attacked and almost killed. Cole has disobeyed almost every Indian Ten commandment which means he is doing very bad in his life especially considering this is only the 1st and 2nd chapter.
-Chris McDowell

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