Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Touching Spirit Bear Reflection on Chapters 11 & 12

       During this chapter Cole ate puke, a mouse, was rescued and had finally for the first time noticed that the world was beautiful. When cole ate the mouse it had bitten on his tongue, lips, and hand, and it was killed by Cole crushing his skull and then the mouse twitched several times before he swallowed him. He also ate his puke that was being eaten by the seagulls because he wanted to live longer which was REALLY GROSS. When he realized the world was beautiful I think he thought it was the first time that the world ever was beautiful but he has bad judgement for that considering he has been in jail for so long. He was rescued by Garvey and Edwin which he thought, in his dream, was seagulls pecking at him taking him up into the sky. Also he disliked how the spirit bear kept coming back because he would have rather died right away that go through the torment that he went through. I also think Cole is starting to change into a new better person which changes what I said about Cole being static. Also Garvey admitted that he was in trouble with the law for five years as a kid and he had no chance for Circle Justice which was why helping others helped himself.

       I remember when I was angry. It felt hurtful, dark, mean, like hatred, and disturbing. It was hard to control and it was like my head was swollen or I was like a bomb just about to blow. I couldn't listen to anything but my brain saying fight back, fight back, FIGHT BACK! I wish I would have never been angry but it is almost impossible. Most of my stress and anger, unfortunately, comes from school. None of the teachers at school anger me but students do, and you can't control that. At school the #1 thing people do (Which, lucky for me, only happens in Gym) to anger me is call me Scooter. I hate it because I don't know why they call me it and i'm being called an inanimate object.

       I agree that actions speak louder than words.
       I disagree that people never change.
       I disagree that it's not important what others think.
       I agree that Kids whose parents mistreat them will probably, in turn, mistreat their own kids.
       I agree that anger is a memory never forgotten.

       I disagreed that people never change because just like in Touching Spirit Bear (like Cole) People Change. Some people become better people just as people may become worse people. For example if someone is addicted to drugs but then goes to classes for several months and becomes un-addicted they have changed. In my life many people say, if they haven't seen me in awhile, whether I have changed in height or mentally, say "Boy, you sure have changed a bunch since i've last seen you." That is why I disagreed that people never change.
-Chris McDowell

1 comment:

  1. Have you changed? If so, how? Is there a timeline for change?
