Thursday, November 18, 2010

Touching Spirit Bear Reflection on Chapters 15 & 16

During these chapters Cole admited he was mad and wasn't thinking straight, learned he was going to go back to the island but then be doing all the work and having his stuff sold, learned the world was a hotdog, and was shoved by Edwin. Cole, I thought would say more when he thought that it wasn't all of the story, I thought he would go on and tell us the entire story instead of saying he was dumb, wants another chance, and won't do it again. I don't think, though that Cole was exited that he was going to be doing all the work on the island with no help, just advise. He also probably hated that all of his posessions were being sold to buy the supplies. Like Garvey said, I thought he made a good point, "The world is a hotdog." because you can make whatever you want of it you can make it taste good or taste bad just like you can make your life good or bad. With him being shoved by edwin proves that a person's life can be changed from a gradual push or by one hard shove (A Dramatic Event).
-Chris McDowell

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