Sunday, November 21, 2010

Touching Spirit Bear Reflection on Chapters 13 & 14

During these chapters Cole found out he was going to stay in Rosey's one star hotel, Rosey was the only nurse, he FINALLY admited something was his fault, We reached part two of the book, Cole's word's should be good enough proof for anyone, and that his mother loved him more than he thought. Cole wasn't too excited to go to Rosey's one star hotel, which wasn't even a hotel, just a house, and then found out that Rosey was the best nurse there, she's so good she's #1 nurse out of 1 person, herself. He also admitted that it was his fault that he got mauled by the spirit bear when Garvey said it was his fault. He got mauled because he stupidly tried to kill a bear. We reached part two which is called RETURN TO SPIRIT BEAR, so we're almost done. Cole decided that words are good enough proof when Garvey said the spirit bear was only his imagination when it wasn't and he could have shown him the fur which would have proved him wrong but he didn't. His mom also came every day to visit saying every time "I love you. You know that, don't you?" when he thought that she never cared, which she did, but just not enough because she would back down to his dad which also threated to hit her with his belt. That's what we learned so far in these chapters.
-Chris McDowell

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