Monday, December 6, 2010

Gimp. stuff that I made!! (Kool!!!)

Project #1- Manipulation

Project #2- Evilness

Project #3- Combining
 Project #4 Fun with Zippers


-Chris Mcdowell
Thanks for viewing, I will be posting more soon!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Touching Spirit Bear Complete Summary

Ok, this is what I think of Touching Spirit Bear
Rating:9 1/2/10
I loved this book so much. It had drama, forgiveness, suspense, but it was lacking a type of happiness. It was a great book but through about 26 of the 28 chapters was sadness: like Cole getting mauled or Peter trying to commit suicide. I gave it a 9 1/2 because it was sad but it was realistic. People didn't just change right away, I could feel a very slow change in all the characters' mood. It did have some happiness and funny parts, but I just don't think enough happiness. It was, I feel, not as good as the outsiders, which was WAY more realistic.
-Chris McDowell
See Mr. Wise? There is a touching spirit bear movie!

This is my last post so see you in my next blog!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Touching Spirit Bear Reflection on Chapters 25 & 26

Ok We'll be finished with the book in two chapters so i'll soon be done with this blog, I will for sure post at least one more reflection so i'm not done yet. During these chapters Cole said his way to help Peter: "I think Peter should come here to the island." and he said that there were only two choices for everyone which was kind of like the Black and White think we were talking about in class awhile ago: "There are two choices. Give Peter the same chance i've had here on the island, or give up and watch him commit suicide. Which would you pick?", The Circle Justice made Peter go to the island, Peter began opening up to Cole, Cole explained his time at the island, and Cole had to go and sleep in the tent outside in the rain. Of course they picked the choice let him go to the island because they ran out of options, which the Driscal family abhored so much. When Peter went to the island he stayed far away from Cole and everyone esle. Later he opened up to Cole, just in the wrong way. He tried to hit him with a stone and shoved him into the creek. When he explained his time at the island he showed them where he burnt the shelter, slept in the ashes, tried to swim away, tried to kill the spirit bear, got mauled, ate a mouse, seen the baby sparrows die, where the spirit bear licked up his spit, and where Garvey and Edwin found him. Cole also has to sleep in a tent in the rain; which Cole complained " I'm going to give Edwin a leaky tent for Christmas." But later Peter let Cole sleep in the shelter, so I think Peter is starting to get nicer to Cole.
-Chris McDowell

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Touching Spirit Bear Reflection on Chapters 23 & 24

During these chapters SERIOUSNESS happened! He learned that to be invisible he had to clear his mind, which was why he seen the spirit bear so much during his soak, he also danced the dance of anger, which was really more the dance of fogiveness, he unfortunately spent Christmas alone, and -Here's where the serious part comes in- Peter Driscal Tries to commit suicide... TWICE!!!!! He also figured out a way to help Peter Driscal. He cleared his mind once in the pond and a beaver came near but he tried to grab it to it went away. He danced the dance of anger (In my opinion it was the dance of Forgiveness) but he didn't know what to carve in the empty space left to represent anger. He spent Chrismas alone, which many people do, and he felt self-pity for himself, he also had a small Christmas tree that he thought would be destoryed by the bigger tree. Peter Driscal Tried to commit suicide because I guess he thought his life was terrible and nobody cared if he died or not. Cole also said he knew a way to help Peter... Will Peter live? or will he die a horrible death? Find out in the next few chapters of Touching Spirit Bear.
Below is what I thought what Cole's Christmas tree might have looked like.
-Chris McDowell

Monday, November 29, 2010

Wordle info.

OK, here's what you will need for your project.
Step 1
You need to create a wordle by clicking here.
Step 2
Add in a bunch of text (Repeat the words to make it bigger and add a ~ instead of a space, it changes to a space).
Step 3
Show off your finished Wordle!
 Here is my Wordle:
Also if you're having problems with this you can use a harder version. (TUTORIAL BELOW)
Step 1 
Start by clicking on advanced.
Step 2 
Paste in your text. (This time to make it bigger DON'T repeat the word, to make it bigger you must do this : and then a #. Ex. Title:600 Base:200.You can use any number but for a title I suggest using 600.)
Step 3
Show off your ADVANCED Awesome Wordle!

Hope this helped!
If you have any more Questions, please feel free to comment and ask.
-Chris McDowell

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Touching Spirit Bear Reflection on Chapters 17 & 18

Sorry about being sick yesterday, I didn't see this on the blog but I just seen this on edline so i'll do it now.
During these chapters Cole was Taught how to suspend food from the tree branches. Many people do this so that bears don't eat all their food. This also just reminded me of the movie Without A Paddle where a bear thinks this guy is her cub, he has to eat racoon and him and his friends get stuck in a tree for like half a day. Ok, back on topic. He also went down to the pond, which he thought was "freezing!" but during the day he skipped he got angry. Garvey also shown him that just like the left end of the stick, anger never goes away. Although you can focus on one end (anger), you can also focus on the other end (happiness). Also like the story side or the sunny side you could either say it's sunny or stormy, just like a person, happy : angry, nice : mean, thankful : selfish. They also seen whales and decided to dance the whale dance, which Cole said to before "What do you mean, dance?" He also had to build a cabin himself so if he beurnt it the only person it would be hurting is himself. He also said he didn't want the gloves because he wasn't a wimp which right before that he siad "Aren't you helping at all?" which meant he was lazy. He also learned about the ancestor rock and how it becomes anger. After he rolled it down he said "That should make the ancestors dizzy." That's what happened in chapters 17 and 18. Here's a picture of a Humpback whale.

-Chris McDowell

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Touching Spirit Bear Reflection on Chapters 13 & 14

During these chapters Cole found out he was going to stay in Rosey's one star hotel, Rosey was the only nurse, he FINALLY admited something was his fault, We reached part two of the book, Cole's word's should be good enough proof for anyone, and that his mother loved him more than he thought. Cole wasn't too excited to go to Rosey's one star hotel, which wasn't even a hotel, just a house, and then found out that Rosey was the best nurse there, she's so good she's #1 nurse out of 1 person, herself. He also admitted that it was his fault that he got mauled by the spirit bear when Garvey said it was his fault. He got mauled because he stupidly tried to kill a bear. We reached part two which is called RETURN TO SPIRIT BEAR, so we're almost done. Cole decided that words are good enough proof when Garvey said the spirit bear was only his imagination when it wasn't and he could have shown him the fur which would have proved him wrong but he didn't. His mom also came every day to visit saying every time "I love you. You know that, don't you?" when he thought that she never cared, which she did, but just not enough because she would back down to his dad which also threated to hit her with his belt. That's what we learned so far in these chapters.
-Chris McDowell

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Touching Spirit Bear Reflection on Chapters 15 & 16

During these chapters Cole admited he was mad and wasn't thinking straight, learned he was going to go back to the island but then be doing all the work and having his stuff sold, learned the world was a hotdog, and was shoved by Edwin. Cole, I thought would say more when he thought that it wasn't all of the story, I thought he would go on and tell us the entire story instead of saying he was dumb, wants another chance, and won't do it again. I don't think, though that Cole was exited that he was going to be doing all the work on the island with no help, just advise. He also probably hated that all of his posessions were being sold to buy the supplies. Like Garvey said, I thought he made a good point, "The world is a hotdog." because you can make whatever you want of it you can make it taste good or taste bad just like you can make your life good or bad. With him being shoved by edwin proves that a person's life can be changed from a gradual push or by one hard shove (A Dramatic Event).
-Chris McDowell

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Touching Spirit Bear Reflection on Chapters 11 & 12

       During this chapter Cole ate puke, a mouse, was rescued and had finally for the first time noticed that the world was beautiful. When cole ate the mouse it had bitten on his tongue, lips, and hand, and it was killed by Cole crushing his skull and then the mouse twitched several times before he swallowed him. He also ate his puke that was being eaten by the seagulls because he wanted to live longer which was REALLY GROSS. When he realized the world was beautiful I think he thought it was the first time that the world ever was beautiful but he has bad judgement for that considering he has been in jail for so long. He was rescued by Garvey and Edwin which he thought, in his dream, was seagulls pecking at him taking him up into the sky. Also he disliked how the spirit bear kept coming back because he would have rather died right away that go through the torment that he went through. I also think Cole is starting to change into a new better person which changes what I said about Cole being static. Also Garvey admitted that he was in trouble with the law for five years as a kid and he had no chance for Circle Justice which was why helping others helped himself.

       I remember when I was angry. It felt hurtful, dark, mean, like hatred, and disturbing. It was hard to control and it was like my head was swollen or I was like a bomb just about to blow. I couldn't listen to anything but my brain saying fight back, fight back, FIGHT BACK! I wish I would have never been angry but it is almost impossible. Most of my stress and anger, unfortunately, comes from school. None of the teachers at school anger me but students do, and you can't control that. At school the #1 thing people do (Which, lucky for me, only happens in Gym) to anger me is call me Scooter. I hate it because I don't know why they call me it and i'm being called an inanimate object.

       I agree that actions speak louder than words.
       I disagree that people never change.
       I disagree that it's not important what others think.
       I agree that Kids whose parents mistreat them will probably, in turn, mistreat their own kids.
       I agree that anger is a memory never forgotten.

       I disagreed that people never change because just like in Touching Spirit Bear (like Cole) People Change. Some people become better people just as people may become worse people. For example if someone is addicted to drugs but then goes to classes for several months and becomes un-addicted they have changed. In my life many people say, if they haven't seen me in awhile, whether I have changed in height or mentally, say "Boy, you sure have changed a bunch since i've last seen you." That is why I disagreed that people never change.
-Chris McDowell

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Touching Spirit Bear Reflection on Chapters 9 & 10

           During chapters 9&10 some very interesting things happened. Some things that most described Man vs. Nature is him having to eat bugs and worms or "This rain fully intended to kill" which brings up a perfect example of Karma which was brought up in the beginning of chapter 8 saying "He flung the spear with all his strength, full intending to kill."
           Also some things that most described Man vs. Self were Him choking on the lump of grass but made him eat it again or "He hurt himself most..." which wasn't him hitting himself, but lying to himself, causing emotional pain instead of physical pain.
-Chris McDowell

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Touching Spirit Bear Reflection on Chapters 1 & 2

During thing book some things that reflected on the Indian Ten Commandments were him stealing from the store which disobeyed commandments 6 and then he lied about not robbing it, which disobeyed commandments 6, 9 and 10. Also him beating up Peter Driscal, which disobeyed commandments 1, 3 and 6. He also tricked Garvey and Circle Justice into getting him out of the detention center and lied about really wanting to change which disobeyed commandments 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 ,8 and 9. In this book so far he also burnt his shelter and supplies, spit in Garvey’s face, was shown a bunch of ingredients which tasted bad individually but tasted good when made into a cake but then he got mad, moved his bed, punched the wall till his fists were bloody, then lied to Garvey and said he tripped and fell on his knuckles. He also said his life was terrible because his parents never wanted him around, dad got drunk and hit him, mom got drunk and didn’t care about anything, and he also wouldn’t tell Garvey something else that was the REAL reason. He also said if he’d seen a spirit bear he’d kill it. But Garvey replied “Whatever you do to the animals you do to yourself.”Cole also hated being touched, called “Champ”, and didn’t trust anyone.
Something That I think is a big part of Cole's problem is that his parents got divorced which often makes people very sad, angry, and to where they bottle everything up inside until they explode like what Cole’s doing. Cole also thinks he’s better than everyone else and that the whole world revolves around him which I think will maybe later cost him his life when meeting the spirit bear. Cole also hated his parents; the last thing he said to them was “I never want to see your ugly faces again.” I also think that Cole will try to kill or at least hurt the spirit bear but will then get attacked and almost killed. Cole has disobeyed almost every Indian Ten commandment which means he is doing very bad in his life especially considering this is only the 1st and 2nd chapter.
-Chris McDowell